Week 23 Be in service of the others and unlease the power within


In week 23, Haanel explains to us that the law of success is service.

How can I be more in service with the others ? How can I bring myself and the others to a upper level ? I’ve noticed some important information in this chapter

  • He reminds us to « constantly reach out for the new, to recognize opportunity, to be interested in the race rather than the goal, for the pleasure is in the pursuit rather than the possession » 4.23
  • He said « You can make a money magnet of yourself, but to do so you must first consider how you can make money for other people » 5 23
  • “The power of attention is called concentration; this power is directed by the will; for this reason we must refuse to concentrate or think of anything except the things we desire” 10.23

I loved this chapter it gave me so much good vibes. I’m wondering also what is the true understanding of Spirit and its laws of manifestation mentionned in 13.23 …Each time when I was reading this chapter, I could feel a vibration inside me.

I could also feel an intense emotion with tears in my eyes several times this week while reading  the exemple of this  man who were practically down and out into the stage of middle age and who has made a phenomenal success for one million within eighteen months ! This is awesome ! He has succeed in suppling the big idea !

How can I do like him and suplly the big idea ? How can I make the direct connection within infinite mind mentionned in 17.23 and do like this successful man ? How can I liberate my potential and my power within to be in service of myself and the others ?

And What if the true understanding of the spirit is the idea to be one with the universe and to accept our power !


It reminds me Marianne Deborah Williamsom who  said “Our deapest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brillant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous ? Actually who are you not to be ? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not seve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you . We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

So starting from now, I give myself permission to shine and reveal my power within for inspiring people around me and building the wonderful life I deserve !

What an amazing Journey with MKMMA ! I’m so grateful ! THANKS !!











Week 22A Be Present In Your Life!



” Robert Holden is so right! For many years I felt like something was missing in my life. Even when I appeared to have everything – plenty of money, a nice home, Paul Smith designer socks, and expensive coffee – I still felt like there was a missing piece. On my birthdays – and at Christmas too – I’d feel sad after I’d opened my last present. I often got everything I wanted and more, but there was still an emptiness I couldn’t identify. Then, one day, I realized I was feeling empty because I was looking for things to fill a hole in myself. After a close look, I realized the hole was shaped just like ME! That was when I started to realize that only I could fill the void.

Gradually, I realized that the more I showed up in my life, the less I felt like something was missing. The more I expressed my heart in my work, the more I loved what I did. The more courageous and honest I was in my writing, the more I was in the flow. The more open and vulnerable I was in my relationships, the more loved I felt. The more present I was in my day – less busy, manic, searching, chasing – the more abundant I felt. Before I was hoping the world would make me whole, but only I could do that by being more present in my world. I can say that for me, Robert really did get it right in his observation and advice in this principal. I genuinely hope some of you can benefit from it as well. ”  Hay House

When I read it I found it awesome ! That’s why I wanted to share it with you.

This week I’ve decided to be fully present at life  !

See you next week !



Week 22 : prayers and sits for increasing successful vibrations


Haanel said this week :”the question is, what are we thinking, what are we creating, what is the harvest to be?” 22-3


My subby wasn’t very happy and confident with the things to do during week 22 : the silent week. One or Two weeks of work are nearly missing for starting well my company on the 1st of April, so many things to do and a new training in Paris will start soon on the 10th in Paris, no way I can spend 1 or 2 days in silence doing Nothing. Oh my godness – How can I meet the requirement with such a lack of time ! Furthermore I’m still not confident with my sit – I’ve missed Something for sure ! But no idea what ? So one silent day … : is it one day doing only sit ? Oh my godness, I’m gonna die … How can I do Something that I’m not sure how and what to do  for a whole day ! This is crazy …

The results : unhappyness for not being able to do that, unsatisfaction between what I want to do and what I can do, more stress….  and I could feel the results this week in my body and on things to do … It wasn’t smooth at all and I was more stressed and upset about things !

“It is through the law of vibration that the mind exercises this control over the body” 22-5

Yes, so I need to change my mind,  my thoughts and my vibrations ! So let’s have some fun with friends  !


Hannel said also  “Mental therapeutics may be directed by the patient himself” 22-27 and My subby on the same time has found other way to make me work : I’ve found the french version of “Prayer is the answer”


This book is very closed to what we’re Learning with MKMMA and to the  things to do in week 22: “Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and spirit with spirit can meet, Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.” Then try to realize that when you do “Speak to Him” you are in touch with Omnipotence.” 22-28

So I have decided to spend (no 1 day or half day) but at least one hour of silence per day: doing streching for my body, reading (MKMMA + this book) , N’sol exercices (another french programme) , sit … and “speaking to him” … I’ve decided to follow my compass of Joy and no my clock

Today, it’s awesome, it’s nearly 5 hours I’m not speaking (but still connected with computer for this blog and messages on my phone … I’ve decided it was good for me ) and what was funny it’s that for once I’ve also decided to do my N’sol exercices not in my bedroom as usual but in the kitchen.

What surprised me this afternoon, It’s that after 5 minutes of exercices, I was really calm, thinking of Nothing and my eyes focus on something unusual in the kitchen : these 2 angels !


They have been here for a very long time but I have never really looked at them ! It was the first time that I was looking at them with awareness

One is listening and the other one is speaking / asking ! And it’s exactly what it’s asked me to be done in week 22 with Haanel

So it was like a confirmation for me ! I will keep on improving my prayer, sit and silence the best I could with good vibes and trust the universe ! I will increase my connexion and speaking with him.

And it’s already wonderful because yesterday, I’ve found this blog very helpful and inspiring about silence so I share with you : https://travelingmemichaelmasterkey.wordpress.com/2017/03/05/mkmma-week-22-sounds-of-silence/#comments

Michael has succeeded in giving me a new vision of the silence even if I do not know yet how to apply it  in my current life. It’s the first step to go further in the silence discoveries and find ways to improve my practice !

Thanks for reading and following my blog


Week 21 – Be one with the universe and welcome miracles !



Oh yes ! I welcome miracles in my life by being more aware of my Inside and Outside world, More connected to myself and to the others ! More connected to the source !

Miracles are everywhere and not always where I expect them …! Amazing discoveries in week 21:

Haanel said :

  • “the more conscious we become of our unity with the source of all power, the greater will be our power to control and master every condition.” 21.5
  • “This is one of the secrets of success …. He thinks big thoughts”. 21.7

How can I apply big thoughts + bigger consciousness of my unity with the source  ?

Big thoughts were for me this sentence ” I’m whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy”

Then I was playing with this sentence by adding before this affirmation ” I’m one with universe,…” or ” with the universe outside and Inside me …I’m ….”

I was playing also with the words… sometimes it was “universe” sometimes it was “source” “divine power” or “infinite intelligence”

I was doing that in my car, singing this sentence on any songs… in the street outloud while walking and also at night before sleeping ! I was trying to increase my feeling by using creativity and repetition… It was so much fun and very powerful !


My magical sentence of week 21

“I’m one with the divine power in action !

I’m whole, perfect, strong powerful loving harmonious and happy !”


It was just amazing – more I was saying this sentence and playing with it, more I could feel vibes in my body, like a new connection ! I could feel more vitality, power and positivity ! It was a wonderful experience !


It was said also in week 21 :

  • ” we find that our lives are simply the reflection of our predominant thoughts, our mental attitude” 21.9
  • ” The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet… consequently the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature” 21.12
  • ” when the individual understands and realizes his Unity with the Universal principle he will appear to be favored because he will have found the source of all health, all wealth, and all power”. 21.27


And amazing things happened !

My virtue of this week were “specialized knowledge” and wonderful miracles happens in this area very specific in week 21:

  • I was blocked with technical problems with my blog and Caryn from United States unlocked my blog so that now everybody can see my posts and it’s no more empty
  • Thanks to her advise , I was able to customize my blog with my pictures even if I’m not good in technology
  • I was contacted by a woman in America who is creating a company and who would love to have a CD of Hypnosis from me, a french girl ! Amazing my company is not yet created and already so many personns interesting in my speciality in brief therapy : Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and DNR (Deep Neural Repatterning)
  • I send a message on Facebook asking advices to my friends for this project of making an Hypnosis CD : which software, which music , which précautions ? And so many personns were willing to help me ! Awesome ! It was wonderful because technology is really not my field !
  • I was contacted by 2 legal expert for the creation of my companies the same  day within 1 hour by doing Nothing  (the day before I was asking the universe some help because I was stuck for several weeks and didn’t know where to begin for starting my activity the 1st of April). Amazing !!
  • The following day, One of these expert spent nearly 3 hours with me to optimize my vision and which company to create with my actual competences and my future compétences that I want to develop within 2 years: bone-setters, spiritual hypnosis and other innovated methods for creating my own method of alignment body mental spirit…. and I don’t know why I said  also real estate investment …. where that come from I have no money to invest and I have always been scared and no willing to do this kind of Investment … And at that time the expert said  it’s great because the type of society that you have choosen will enable you to do that (final choice of my company was made in the morning under my shower… yes incredible in this calm state of mind under the shower, this form of company appears like an evidence for me)
  • The following day of this appointement with this legal expert, while I was singing my magical sentence and walking in the street, I  heard “Armelle… Armelle … Armelle…!” It was an expert in real estate ! I haven’t seen him for 3 years ! Amazing ! He asked me to come back in 1 week just after his vacation to speak about my activities and I may also speak about real estate… why not !

With all that and so many other things that happened about specialized knowledge, I can say that what I feel and focus on, it’s what I’m attracting ! Very nice experience ! And So amazing : all that in only one week !


Haanel said also in week 21: “Silent thought concentration is therefore the true method of reaching, awakening, and then expressing the wonderful potential power of the world within.” 21.28

Yes I know it – This is the main point that I have to improve : doing my sit regularly and longer but I’m quite lost how to do them correctly …yes because when I’m not sure I’m not doing things… Challenge of next week ! Doing it without knowing if it’s the good way

Focus on week 22: Silent Thought concentration + virtue of my 8th week : Enthusiasm (This virtue may help me to go through my limits ) + a long list of things to do for preparing the creation of my new activity and other stuff.


So I keep going forward, doing my best and trust: trust myself, trust the universe and trust MKMMA

I’m already so grateful for this amazing Journey with MKMMA !

Thanks for reading and following my blog

With trust and gratitude// Armelle


Week 20 – Be the observer – awareness is power


Tough week : so many things to do and problems to solve that my priorities were to try to keep calm and go forward, step by step… and stay focus !

I was trying to reduce my focus on the external world to put it more on my inner world by making ” a conscious effort to observe my thoughts, emotions and actions” because :

                                                          AWARENESS IS POWER !


I’ve also decided to use  my limiting feelings like tools for expanding my comfort zone and my greatness:

Fear – it’s time to Split up my goals and tasks for making them smaller and more achievable ” do it now” “act”

Angry – I will use this energy to take actions  and/or to permit myself to say stop – next . I will also look at myself in the mirror and say ” I love you” several times and then ” what do we do next ?”

Guilty – breathing , understanding what is behind, and take action for being what I will to be – ” I can be what I will to be”

Hurt feelings – what do I need ? And how to get them ? ” I’m whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy”

Unworthiness: with gratitude because I can’t think at both at the same time. I will also say  “thank you” 3 times every morning for starting my day.

I’ve put also in writing all the things that must be done before the 1st of April : At least 60 things appears (without writing any MKMMA services…!) it’s just crazy because some of them are big challenges with huge work !

No …stop …!!! no negative thoughts ! Stay calm and focus !

I’ve starting to accept things like they are, to accept that my body was more painful than the other weeks and try  not to worry too much about that. I was adapting myself to the best I could and this was great ! Hard week and on the mean time I was proud of what I could do

This post was late…it’s fine because I know I always keep my promises

I’ve decided also to welcome these negative thoughts, to thanks them and to swish  at once for better thought ! Because, I don’t know how or when ….but ….Solutions are already on track !

yes because :



And I want my thoughts to be constructive and positive for enabling a better futur for myself and people around me

I know “I can be what I will to be”

and that “I’m whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy”

So let’s start ! “Do it know” ” Act ” and I’m sure that the univers somehow will help me

And Today, it’s awesome 3 persons contact me with unexpected  way to give me some useful advises for the creation of my 2 companies in April. New ideas arrived but also confirmations so useful to go forward !

Furthermore, for the live event in Kauai, the room in the hotel was too expensive for me, I was even looking for a dorm in a youth hostels… and at the end, Rebecca and Wendy are willing to share the room with me ! I’m so happy !

Moreover, I would like to thank  Claes et Caryn for having helped me with my blog because no posts were appaering on my blog ! Only people who were following me could see what I was publishing !

I’m also so grateful for MKMMA ! And it’s only the beginning of my new life !

Mahalo !


Week 11 Persist, dream and enjoy ! ok, let’s start this !



“I will persist until I succeed” Scroll 3

What I’ve learnt so far about life, it’s that life is hard ! I have to work hard to succeed and persist for trying to obtain good things in my life … but that doesn’t suit me anymore, I do not want to struggle anymore, it’s so tiring and doesn’t give me satisfaction …

“I will persist until I succeed”

Yes, I will persist …no way I give up on my Dreams … so I need to change the way I’m persisting ! How can I persist differently and obtain more ?…

  • In week 11 : 17 – 18  “”What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (Mark 11:24) … We are first to believe that our desire has already been fulfilled, its accomplishment will then follow. This is a concise direction for making use of the creative power of thought by impressing on the Universal subjective mind, the particular thing which we desire as an already existing fact”

So I need first to change my belief about life… How can I commit myself and put more emotion about that ?

  • Week 10 : my discoveries were awesome – So I’ve decided to say from now “Thank you” 3 times every morning once I get up ! Thanks for what I already have and also Thanks for all the good things which are already on the way for entering in my life
  • Week 11 : By writting this blog today, My intention is to print in my subby a new belief that from now from this date the 11th of December 2016, everything will come to me easily and effortlessly : the universe is working with me and for my best !

“it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal” (Scroll 3)


So, I will not give up so close to my aims like the 2nd man in this image…I will persist until I succeed !

“Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.” (Scroll 3)

” I will build my castle one brick at a time for I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.” (Scroll 3)

“I will persist until I succeed” (Scroll 3)

While making some shoping this week, My eyes couldn’t move away from the message on a pullover …It’s like if  my subby was also giving me some information about my first question: “How can I persist differently and obtain more ?…”

The message on it was : “Dream and enjoy everyday”

So I will persist, dream, and enjoy ! I will persist until I succeed

Let’s start with that !

Thanks for reading my blog, let me know how you succeed and persist in your life… I would love to discover your practice and experience

With Persistance, Dreams and Fun // Armelle





Week 19 -To be Relaxed and Overcome myself


What a nice place to stay here today : the Thermal baths in Amneville in France !

“I will live this day as if it is my last” Scroll 5

Warm baths inside and outside ! It’s such a wonderful experience to be  in the warm bath outside  while it’s winter and really cold   ! Amazing !

“Is this another opportunity for me to become the man I know I can be? Is this my day to excel?” Scroll 5

It is also said regarding Law of relaxation that  : A relax calm state of mind is the only door way to progress mentally !

So let’s start new things in this wonderful and relax place

– sitting/ meditation  in hammam and sauna

– put intention of success inside me  and in my bottle of water while drinking thermal water

– feel the success outside and around me while feeling the sensation of warm water on my skin and being aware of the chance to be in this nice place

– I’ve even tried cold bath  ! So difficult because I’m so sensitive to cold !

But Haanel’s Lesson 19 focuses this week our attention on fear and power.

How this situation can relate to Lesson 19?

This lesson 19 teaches also that  “ if your thought is weak, critical, destructive and negative generally, it will manifest in your body as fear, worry and nervousness in your finance as lack and limitation, and in discordant conditions in your environment.”

And Also 19-17 states powerful, constructive and powerful thought will be evident in the state of your health, your business and your environment.

Yes I can notice in my situation that I got fear – weak thought  to feel cold but I had also the possibility to overcome this fear and let grow my own power within.


It was time for me to push myself further and to overcome my sensitivity of the cold ! It was hard the first time … but I persist until I succeed step by step !  Because “I’m whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy” ! And I want to be proud of me !

At the end I put my whole body 3 times during the afternoon  in the cold water and I was so happy to have done that ! For sure I prefer hot  water, I really don’t like cold water but at least I overcome myself !

And I’ve started right now ! Because “Do it now”!!

yes “I can be what I will to be”

And I want to keep on developing powerful constructive and positive thoughts !

I also  made a promise beginning of this week to do 2 blogs (18 and 19)because I was late. And I’ve kept my promise ! Yes I’ve succeeded in doing both of them ! YESSS!!!

Thanks for reading and following me

All the best for you !








Week 18 – persistance and having fun !



3 days I haven’t done my reading during my certification and my old blueprint is coming back ! I was thinking “Maybe you can stop the reading one more day, you have so many things to do … you’re tired… it’s too late, go to bed instead doing the reading” So tempting …

BUT ….No way !

Nothing is more important than my future ! I have my whole life to rebuilt and for that I have to work on my Inside world ! No way I give up on my Dreams and aims to realize !

Because “I can be what I will to be”

and ” I always keep my promises”

It is also said in Scroll 5 : “This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will maketh every hour count and each minute. I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue”

“I persist until I succeed”

Yes, I’m late with a lot of services and things to do … I’m doing nearly everything that I have written on my service card but I’m still struggling with the amount of work and how to do things… and a lot of requested things are not done at all : poster, movie trailer, audio, shapes to redo, … Others are postponed such as : Gratitudes which were done every one or two days and now it’s every 3 or 4 days… the same with virtues and the sit …

I’m not satisfied at all and I’m also aware that I’m doing my best … I also know that I’m  not gonna cheat the gale in the glass…!

Maybe I need vacation ….SO good news I’ve booked the master key live retreat in Kauai on May 2017 and I’m thinking spending one week more vacation there ! I’m so happy to live this amazing experience…

I’m just scared about the cost of this travel ! The price of the accommodation in this hotel is huge for me …!  I’m used to spend abroad between 15 or 30 € per night which is absolutely nothing compared to the prices applied there …! …Stop…be positive !!

So let’s redo my readings ! solutions in every area of my life will arrive


Here is a photo of my promise to redo my readings in front of the miror ! It was  just before going to mexican party for a birthday !

It was funny because after that I had to finish  all my reading before going to this mexican- superbowl – birthday party ! No way I could leave without keeping my promises !


It was such a Wonderful time in front of a homemade stadium full of food and the pro bowl on TV: a sport quite unknown for me that I have discovered !

So week 18 was  about working on persistance and developping good vibes in the present moment !

Thanks for reading and following my blogs

Week 17 HJ – My Hero’s Journey ! Amazing week !


Very intensive week with 6 days per week courses  and hypnosis certication to prepare with almost 400 pages to learn !

What I’m the most prouf of is to be able to have found solutions – even during the class (see picture below) – to keep on doing  MKMMA every day with such a motivation  (except the readings and the sitting the 3 days before my certification and the day after – so exhausted…! ). It was important for me to take this time for sleeping. It was also important to respect more myself and to take into account more my 2 PPN : Liberty and True Health.


“What am I pretending not to know ?” What a good question !! … And what if the universe is already working for me and is just waiting for me to be fully aware of my potential ! And what if the universe is already here to help me rebuilding my whole life and for my best now ! And what if  the universe is already helping me with unexpected way to overcome challenges and difficult problems in my present life?

It’s just “…Amazing…”  !!  I encounter so many synchronities and nice events !

This week 17 HJ was my week !

Yes … just after the webcast regarding the Hero’s Journey, I learned that the following day,  on Monday that we will do a protocol which is called in French “le voyage du héros” > “The Hero’s Journey” on friday to kill the deapest fear Inside us (the dragon) and to be able to unlease the power within ! Whaouh ! I was so happy and excited by this amazing synchronicities and nice opportunity !


Yes it’s really time for me to step forward ! to enable my new life to start from now !! To let die my old self and let my new self shine !

And Yes ! “I can be what I will to be” !

Not only I succeed to do both courses ( Hypnosis in Paris and MKMMA + other compulsory staff ) but I have succeeded in having 100/100 !!!


YES I’ve succeeded !!! I’m so happy and proud of me !


Thank you everybody for your support ! And welcome in my new life !

I don’t know what will happen but I’m ready to make happen the very best in my life !

I was also very inspired by this short video “What reality are you creating for yourself” and I wanted to share it with you:  Amazing video in English and French in the link below   about Isaac Lidsky (11 minutes -Ted talks). He’s explaining to us that despite becoming blind, he kept on developing his vision and continue running his big company as a CEO and being happy and very active. It’s true that sometimes we can have sight but no vision about our life and happiness. He reveals to us a new vision of the reality and his heros Journey ! So inspiring ! It has helped me to remind  me that what we see is an unique personnal virtual reality constructed by our brain. Therefore, It is very important to keep on questioning our thoughts as they will create our own reality and our happiness !

What lies am I telling myself ?

What am I pretending not to know?


Thanks for reading and following me !

Mahalo !

All the best,


Week 17 persistent concentration + burning desire – it works !


My week is very intensive (50 hours cours in Paris + MKMMA + time with the other students and the person who hosts me + revision for preparing my certification next week !)

Despite this intensive week, I’ve noticed an increase of my détermination and desir to succeed.


“All mental discovery and attainment are the result of desire plus concentration; desire is the strongest mode of action” Haanel 17-15… This is so true… it’s what I have experienced this week.

Last week I thought I will have to do less MKMMA, no choice,  because on my 2 weeks intensive in Paris and my desire to obtain my certification… but in fact, I ‘m doing  my very best everyday and I succeed to have done more than expected without having conscious thought about how to do that :

  • I’ve redone my DMP
  • I’ve put shapes on all my gratitude cards which wasn’t done at all before
  • I’m doing more sit even if it’s only 5 minutes the morning 5 minutes before sleeping
  • I’m not yet doing gratitude cards every day but every 2  days
  • + all the readings

My subby find ways to make me do MKMMA services sometimes during my hypnosis courses with a  concentration increased for both of them (hypnose +mkmma)  . It can be 5 minutes here  for MKMMA and 5 minutes later but it’s always 5 minutes more for MKMMA. I can feel such a desir to succeed my new life ! and as ” Your degree of success is determined by the nature of your desire.” Haanel 17-25 …. and that I can be what I will to be !

So I will keep on focusing every day on success , courage, abundance !

“Every obstacle conquered, every victory gained, will give you more faith in your power, and you will have greater ability to win. Your strength is determined by your mental attitude” Haanel 17-26 –

Yes !

Yes and I will keep on constructing a positive mental attitude for me and the others !

Yes I keep on my road to the success because “I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will” – Og Scroll 4


And for that I need your help, because I’m blocked with 2 questions

Question 1:

I’m wondering how to do the sit and if I’m doing right …

The exercices regarding the sit gave me several questions this week. I will share with you my expériences,  Would you mind sharing with me your practice ?

Until now, I had eyes closed, I was focusing on my breath and looking down Inside me while looking at the images that arrive + be relaxed.

But now it seems more powerful if I’m looking up between the 2 eyes (third eyes), still with eyes closed, with my head slightly up, my back more straight and a little smile on my face as if it’s already existing… It’s sometimes strange because I can feel some vibration on my body

May be there are different ways of doing the sit … How do you do your sit ? Have you experience different kind of sitting ? What works the best for you ?


Question 2 :

With Franklin Makeover, do you put a point on the document this week for the first virtue (which was for me – well organized) if you notice something about the first virtue this week ? or only about kindness and the virtue of this week 17 which was for me discipline?

Sorry, I didn’t put that on alliance because I’m lost with that – so many conversations and so many messages …it’s crazy …and I never know if someone has answered or read it unless going there everyday through all the messages

Thanks for reading me and thanks in advance for the personns who will share with me their practices

Mahalo !
